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Tuesday 23 September 2014

Second day in Amsterdam

After a good night's sleep we woke up to another beautiful day in Amsterdam. We had our breakfast and decided on what the day's plans were. We hadn't organised anything at all but, as someone had said to try and fit in a visit to the Zoo, that's what we decided to do. After a quick look at the map, we set off on foot and took a leisurely walk to the Zoo thinking that we'd only stay a little while.  How wrong were we!!  It was just a wonderful place to be on such a warm and sunny day, so much so that we spent around six hours just wandering around, looking at the vast amount of animals and birds etc., and having lunch. The aquarium too was absolutely wonderful. It really is a fantastic place to see so, if you have time in your schedule while in Amsterdam, I would recommend that you try to fit in a visit.

I took loads of photos and have posted the best of them here. It is obvious as to what most of the animals are, but there are some I don't know the names of!








Baby elephant

Red panda

It was so hot that the meerkats were lying flat out trying to keep cool!


Heron - I have never seen so many herons in the one place!  They were everywhere!

Baby pelican
We then took a slow stroll back to the hotel after our visit to the Zoo and rested up before going out for dinner that night.  I took this photo on the way back to the hotel.

We found a nice Chinese place and had a nice meal there before wandering back to the hotel via a couple of bars for some refreshments and 'people watching'!!  These are some photos I took before getting back to the hotel.

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